7 amazing facts about the liver

1) It stocks iron

Our liver acts as a warehouse that takes out important vitamins and nutrients from the food we eat and stocks them up. It keeps supplying these nutrients to the body when we need them. It also stores iron and maintains a constant supply of it to the body.


2) Detoxifier

Our liver is the biggest detoxifying agent in our body. It detoxifies the harmful things we take in like alcohol and drugs. Without the liver the body cannot process these items.


3) Inventor of blood

The liver creates the blood that circulates in our bodies. The importance of the liver lies in the fact that blood cannot be created artificially by humans. The liver starts producing blood before we are born. Without the liver there would be no blood and no life.


4) It regenerates

Our liver has the amazing ability to regenerate itself which makes surgeries like liver transplant possible. When people donate half their liver to someone who needs it, the remaining part of the liver regenerates the donated part.


5) Hormone processor

Our liver is the primary site of hormone breakdown. It breaks down hormones like estrogen and testosterone then converts them into bile which then enters our intestines. Bile is necessary for digestion and emulsifying fats.


6) Protein creator

Our body needs protein to grow and work properly. The food we eat is not sufficient for fulfilling the protein needs of our body therefore the liver produces its own protein.


7) Medicine converter

Our body cannot use medicines we take, our liver converts medicine into a form accepted by our bodies. Without the liver medicine would be useless.


REFERENCE | Positive Med

Your Current Diet Is Not Enough

Everything you eat and drink matters. While it would be ideal if we consumed the essential micronutrients (vitamins, amino acids and phytonutrients) to assist our body, most diets are deficient. When your body is inundated with bad food, airborne toxins and chemicals your system only has two options: release or keep. It attempts to release the most harmful things from your body in the form of waste but when it can’t, it stores it in fat cells. This is why your maintaining your liver & kidneys in optimal health is so important.

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