Recent breakthroughs in cancer research, treatment and diagnosis.
WRITTEN BY Sara G. Miller from Live Science  It seems logical to think that eating a high-fat diet would tip the scale upward, but a new study
Nobody knows exactly when death is going to knock on your door. However, these new medical inventions could increase your chances to avoid it.
A first-of-its-kind law requiring foods sold in Vermont to declare whether or not they contain genetically modified crops is set to take effect
BuzzFeed captures some tricky healthy foods that may not be all that good for you
Turns your waste into gas and fertilizer, creating an in-house cycle of energy. HomeBiogas is a family-sized affordable biogas system. It
A plant charging your devices Sounds crazy but it’s real! Using a compact and modern technology, Bioo Lite was able to produce electricity
When it comes to your beauty routine, sleep may be the closest thing there is to a fountain of youth. Your body repairs itself and recovers while
Activated charcoal is a potent natural treatment used to trap toxins and chemicals in the body, allowing them to be flushed out so the body